We ship most orders in the continental USA through UPS. Because of the way our shopping cart is set up, the shipping charge is an estimate of charges. Most of the time actual shipping is less than shown. The shipping charges are calculated at time of actual shipping and re-adjusted. We also use USPS which has shown to be less than the estimates. Multiple item orders don't realistically represent the actual shipping cost and are also re-calculated at time of shipment. Please call if you have a question on actual shipping charges (some carvings, because of size, are priced with shipping included and are so labeled)
All orders outside of the continental USA (48 states) will be shipped via Postal(e-mail for estimates) and charged the actual shipping plus a $2.50 handing charge. (unless other arraignments are made)
Returns Policy:
Returns will receive full credit (less shipping and tax) for the next purchase. All sales final.
Privacy Notice:
Everyone here at Dux' Dekes likes their privacy as much as you do. Dux' Dekes Decoy Co. does not share any customer information with any other business. We gather that information which is required to fullfill your order. We maintain a customer profile with this information for your future use.
Dux' Dekes Decoy Co does not sell mailing or email lists.
We at Dux' Dekes Decoy Co. do not make unsolicited phone calls.